
MNS ISO 9001:2015

QUALITY POLICY We are dedicated to delivering products and services of the highest quality, driven by our unwavering pursuit of customer and employee satisfaction. To realize this commitment, we have embraced the globally recognized ISO 9001 ‘Quality Management System’ standard, integrating it meticulously into our operations. This deliberate effort underscores our ongoing journey towards elevating the contentment and shared value we bring to both our valued customers and dedicated employees.

SCOPE  This International Standard specifies requirements for a quality management system when an organization:
Needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.


MNS ISO 50001:2018

SCOPE The aim of this document is to enable organizations to establish the systems and processes necessary to continually improve energy performance, including energy efficiency, energy use and energy consumption. This document specifies the energy management system (EnMS) requirements for an organization. Successful implementation of an EnMS supports a culture of energy performance improvement
that depends upon commitment from all levels of the organization, especially top management. In many instances, this involves cultural changes within an organization.

BENEFITS OF THIS DOCUMENT Effective implementation of this document provides a systematic approach to improvement of energy performance that can transform the way organizations
manage energy. By integrating energy management into business practice, organizations can establish a process for continual improvement of energy performance. By improving energy performance and associated energy costs, organizations can be more competitive. In addition, implementation can lead organizations to meet overall climate change mitigation goals by reducing their
energy-related greenhouse gas emissions.


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At MMS Group, we are committed to sustainable development in every prospect of our businesses. As one of the prominent developing entities in the domestic market, we thrive to create value in the economic, social, and ecological aspects, moreover, to become the thriving force for sustainability. With the vision “To become a leading entity in the nation, building towards a greener future”, we aimed to centralize the idea of sustainable development and to expand the positive impact through the expansion of our business. Therefore, MMS Group has developed its first official Sustainability report according to the GRI standard to become an example of building a business with the “RIGHT” or “SUSTAINABLE” approach, overcoming the challenges of an economy in a developing country.
